Have you ever wondered (if you haven't already), in this world gone mad, what safety precautions we can take to make it safer for ourselves and our loved ones? Well, here are some which hopefully can help :
1) Walk facing the oncoming traffic to minimise the risk of being caught unawares by snatch thieves. If you have to carry a bag or something, carry it on the side away from the traffic.
2) Be unpredictable. Do alter your daily routine so that whoever is observing your daily activities would not be able to predict your next move. Do not always use the same route to and from your work place so that you would not get "ambushed" on your way to and from work.
3) Try not to show clear and obvious signs that there is no one at home. Maybe you can leave the radio or television on if you are going out for a few hours or unplug the phone to make it look like someone is home chatting over the phone. If you are going to be away for a few days, try to arrange with your neighbour to collect your mail or newpapers. Heck, give them permission to hang their washings over at your front porch if they want to when you are away.
4) Arrange a set of special codes with your children so that when you call them up on their mobile phones, you will know their actual situation. Eg. : if your child says "I am fine" it means "I am in danger" or if your child says "I am coming home now" it means "I am alright".
5) Never ever leave your car keys inside the car unattended with the engine running and with your child in it. You may think it is only for a minute or two while you nip inside the store but a minute or two is all it takes for somebody to drive away your car with your child and your other belongings.
6) Always have your eyes on your child when you go out shopping or something. As far as possible, keep a firm grip on your child so that child snatchers would think twice about abducting your child.
7) If you are involved in a fender bender, do not stop and get out from your car (especially if you are a female). Instead, drive straight to the nearest police station and sort things out there.
About Me

- Kaki Makan
- As I have more photos of food than I care to count, I thought why not I share my humble findings with anyone who stumbles upon this blog. Nothing fancy.....cannot afford it lah.....not with my kind of salary....sigh (hinting to my boss). Sorry about the not so professional looking photos. Cannot afford to get a better camera yet (another hint). I also like to browse online shopping sites for the fun of it. Quite interesting, you know. But.......real shopping (you know... drive to a shopping complex, fight for a parking space and jostle with the other shoppers inside the complex) is not my cup of tea, heh, heh. So....I just might add some more online shopping site links here (those that I think are interesting lah....you know..not those common ones). So, if you are like me, do keep an eye on the shopping column on your right, eh? I also like to think about and dissect quotes of famous and ordinary people. Aaand....I also like to ramble about things and people I observed everyday. By the way, anyone of you want a pet? Have a look at the sidebar (Please Help Them). These adorable animals are waiting for a loving person to adopt them. Buuut....remember, a pet is forever. No abuse.
- Food (108)
- Food For Thought (48)
- Friends of Animals (3)
- My Rants (2)
- Observations of a Food Blob (14)
- Special Dedications (9)
- Special Message (8)
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